You are a Taurus. Congratulations!
Generally speaking a Taurus - Taurus relationships tend to be harmonious.
If you were born on March 5th (and I am), you are a Pisces.
The neighbor of Taurus in the zodiac is Aries, which comes before Taurus, and Gemini, which comes after Taurus.
The Sun Sign for people born on April 30th will be Taurus as per western astrology
Taurus' Eye
The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.
I am 100% Taurus and I am not a snob and have never known a snob that was Taurus!!
Born 13th of May you are Taurus in the western zodiac and Beaver in the Amerind earth magic zodiac.
Depending on the year the Sun sign on the 22nd of April can be in Aries or Taurus.