1st Jan is Capricorn in the western zodiac & Goose in the Amerind earth magic zodiac.
Someone born on Jan 25 would be an Aquarius.
Lyfe's zodiac sign is Gemini. He was born June 3. 1973.
Feb. 7 1997 - Jan. 27 1998 is the year of the Ox Jan. 28 1998 - Feb. 15 1999 is the year of the Tiger so whenever your birthday is in between is your zodiac sign.
She read her daily horoscope to see what the zodiac predicted for her day.
Born Sunday, 11th January 1987 you are a Capricorn in the Western zodiac, a Goose in the Amerind Earth Magic zodiac and you were born in the Chinese year of the Tiger.
It will be the year of the Metal Dragon(Feb. 02, 2060 - Jan. 21, 2061)
Born on June 3rd, you would be born under the sign of Gemini.