Lesser Demons, Greater Demons and Quest Demons.
There are thousands of movies with demons a few are the obvious Demons,Demons 2,Night of the Demons which has just ben remade any exorcism movies will have demons in them as possesion is a demon trick.
Demons were once people. If the people were scum, then the demons are too.
No they are not demons!____________________________________________________________lol -they are not demons!- though some of them look like it. . .
No you idiot. Trolls are trolls. Demons are demons. The clue's in the name, baby.
I know for a fact that people in Wales are called Welsh.
Demons were formed by YOUR MOM.
No. They are not demons. However, they are monsters.
demons are demons. They are concrete yet spiritual beings. They do not represent anything else.
A group of demons is commonly referred to as a "legion" or a "horde."
In my opinion,Angels are attracted to Demons, however, good angels do not like Demons. Angels are sent to contribute. Demons are corrupt.
You can say "I am Welsh" by simply stating "I am Welsh" in English. In Welsh, you would say "Cymraeg ydw i" (I am Welsh).