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The Rising Sign is also known as the Ascendant. A 1/12th part of the sky, that was ascending on the Eastern Horizon, at the precise moment of a person�s birth, is known as the Rising Sign of that person. This sign is situated in the First House of a person�s horoscope or birth chart.

Your Rising Sign determines what others think of you and also how you come across to people. Your Sun Sign and your Rising Sign can be very different, and thus, what you are when you�re alone and what you are in front of others, can be something entirely different.

Reading your daily horoscope for your Rising Sign, in addition to your Sun Sign and Moon Sign, can give you, a much clearer and more accurate astrological profile.

The Ascendant is what you are, on the outside.

the rising sign wich is known as the assendent and is the first house cusp is where the spirt or sun comes into being and is born onto the earth plane and thus it shows the life path as it grows into the sun wich is the spirt on whatever sign it is say for eg it is a Pisces it is ending a stage of its journey if its an Aries it is on a new level . and the assendent is the life path to learn those lessions and the moon is the ego the "me" wich has been built up sinse the begining of time

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The zodiac sign that the sun was in, e.g. at the time of birth. It is the sign that a person is trying to become.

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Q: What is the Sun sign in relation to Astrology?
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Sun sign astrology is the most common type of astrology. It is the kind based on the twelve signs of the zodiac and one's horoscope can be read in several newspapers and other publication.

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The planets postition in relation to how they effect each individual. I.E. if you were born on August 4th, the sun was in the sign Leo; your astrological sign that would include personality traits of being loyal, confidant, proud, and enthusiastic.

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If you are born on June 13th the Sun Sign will be Gemini as per Western Astrology.

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There are three types of astrological studies - namely Sun sign astrology, Moon sign astrology and Ascendant based astrology. Sun sign based astrology gives a zodiac sign to all persons born in one month. The Moon sign astrology is based on all births when the Moon stays in a zodiac sign. The Moon stays in one sign for about 54 to 60 hours. Ascendant based astrology is the most accurate astrology as here all the 12 zodiac signs rise in 24 hours and the duration of an ascendant would be, in general, between 90 minutes to 135 minutes. In Vedic Astrology a person born in the Sun sign of Scorpio is said to be born between 17th November to 16th December. In Western Astrology a person born in the Sun sign of Scorpio is said to be born between 24th October to 23rd November. For knowing/reading more on ascendant based astrology, for free learning online lessons, for free horoscope and for free weekly horoscope you can visit

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The Detriment sign of any planet is always in the opposite sign of its Dignity sign (own sign). So the Detriment sign of the Sun is the opposite sign of Leo which is Aquarius.

Which planet came in your star sign?

The term star sign is often used to refer to the Sun signs in astrology.

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According to astrology, my sun sign is Pisces, which means I am believed to be creative, intuitive, and compassionate.

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In an astrological chart the rising sign represents the east or sun rise.

Is moon sign astrology is correct or sun sign astrology is correct?

While the Moon sign and Sun sign can be important, to get the most out of astrology you're going to need to have your whole birth chart interpreted. The Sun and Moon are just two points out of several that an astrologer would consider. People may feel more like their Moon sign if their Moon is more prominently placed in their horoscope or what time of the day they were born, but neither Sun or Moon signs are more correct or accurate than the other.

If you are born on 17 September what is your star sign?

You would be a Virgo according to tropical astrology and sidereal astrology. That is actually only your Sun sign however. For a full reading, you have to use all signs ;)

What is the astrology sign for September27?

The astrology sign for September 27th is Libra.