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Thanatophobia or necrophobia-

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Q: What is phobia name for dying in a dream?
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What is the name of the phobia for being afraid of dying?

Thanatophobia or Thantophobia

What is the phobia of getting your throat cut?

There is no specific phobia for getting your throat cut, but there is a phobia for dying: Thanatophobia or Thantophobia- Fear of death or dying. It might also be a phobia of pain. Known as agliophobia or algophobia.

What is the phobia of dying?

Everyone is afraid of dying, but an extreme fear of death is necrophobia

Is the phobia of dying a recognised condition?

A huge amount of people fear dying. It is common to fear dying. Unless your suicidal...... :(

When was Never Dream of Dying created?

Never Dream of Dying was created in 2001.

Who had a bad dream about Julius Caesar dying?

man i had a dream about julius caesar dying cause i did it.

What is the phobia name for fear of boats?

There is no word for fear of boats but Thalassophobia is the fear of the sea, Hydrophobia is the fear of water, and Thanatophobia is the fear of dying.

What is the scientific term for fear of death?

Necrophobia Phobia name for the fear of death. It is a common phobia

What phobia is the phobia of hail?

I looked it up and there is no phobia name for hail.

IS there a phobia of people touching your knees?

Yes. Genuphobia is the name of the phobia

What is the name of the phobia when you fear chaos?

There is currently no proper name for a phobia of chaos as it has not yet been classified as a phobia

Why can't I dream anymore after dying in a dream?

Dreams about death are very common. Dying in a dream indicates an end or closure to something, but there is no way of knowing what that something is without more information about the dream. You stop dreaming after dying in a dream because you either wake up or pass into another sleep phase.