Civil Danger Warning: A warning of an event that presents a danger to a significant civilian population. The CDW, which usually warns of a specific hazard and gives specific protective action, has a higher priority than the Local Area Emergency (LAE).
They are usually planned to be issued in the event of a terrorist or military attack, but they also are issued for things like contaminated water or large scale road closings.
The current one being issued is because I-94 and I-43 in Wisconsin are completely impassable because of the Blizzard and that if you attempt to use them you will get trapped and they might not be able to save you.
Warning Of Danger was created in 1985.
Yelling "Avalanche" is a warning of danger. It begins with the letter a.
Warning of Danger - 2008 is rated/received certificates of: Sweden:11 (DVD rating)
A person who feels danger and gives warning is typically called an "alarmer" or "alarms someone".
Warning: As in the lookout gave a warning that the ship was heading for disaster.
They are the same.
Danger or Warning!
The cast of Warning of Danger - 2008 includes: Jonas Petersson as John Doe Erik Vilhelm as John Doe
Green is to go as red is to danger. Green typically indicates safety or permission to proceed, while red is commonly associated with warning or danger.
it is a warning to stay away from danger