Utter, enunciate, speak, assert, affirm, tell, express, declare, state.
No, they may mention hell in the way they speak at times, but they do not worship the devil.
It's another way to say 'think before you speak'.
you've got is another way to say you have.
Other than saying you can only speak for yourself and if it is gossip or something you know is wrong you could say, 'It is between you (or all of you) and I want nothing to do with it.' If you are just making an opinion and you do not know if others would agree with you then 'I can only speak for myself' is the correct thing to say and to the point.
et cetera is another way to say and so on
Another way to say 'events' is 'functions'
Another way to say horizontal is flat, even, or level.
Verbose is another way to say big words.
Another way to say poop is "feces" or "stool."
Another way to say DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid.
another way to say only is but what's more ,you will find or as well as.