UFO's are the objects that pop up now and again that move round the screen. Lke: Apples. Turnips. Carrots. ect.. When it tells you to 'catch' a UFO on the objectives to complete, it means for you to click on the object when you see one moving around the screen. This means you now have that object in your inventory, and therefore, completed the objective.
You simply need to click on it.how do you find it?
You can't "find" UFOs, they just come floating across your screen every now and then.
You can go onto different pages, but not all have them, and catch a present or a flying apple or something.
At Christmas you get Gifts, Reindeer, Candycanes and Baubles!!
You find then randomly floating on the pages, from apples to Black Market items.
UFOs usually find you. You don't usually have to find them.
You can't make them come, you can only wait. If you just go on Howrse every day then eventually one will just fly across your screen.
The wandering horse Shy's UFO.
You don't.
I think it floats as an UFO
They come around at a random time, every day almost! Hope that helps you howrse fans
Recover?What do you mean?You just catch a UFO and get whatever it was
The treats hide random items.
It's entirely up to you, bearing in mind that most Howrse competitions include some type of 'catch the UFO and get a reward' game.
You can only give one gift to the same friend every 7 days on howrse.
you have to find a snowball as a ufo, then click on it and go to your friends page. then you can send the snowballs to your friends. the snowball fight is over on howrse by now though.
You can't unless you have a Pandora's box which you buy with passes or find in a UFO. sorry :( (my name is stargirl1224 on howrse)
Those are UFO's - if you catch them quickly by clicking your mouse on them, you will win a surprise.
You have to catch a UFO which is an item that fly's across the page every once and a wile.