Yes, in the manga and anime series Fruits Basket, the characters are based on the Chinese zodiac animals, each representing a specific year in the zodiac cycle. The main character, Tohru Honda, for example, represents the Year of the Ox.
The 12 animals of the Zodiac are known aså二支 (juunishi) in Japanese. They are:å (nezumi) - rat 丑 (ushi) - ox 寅 (tora) - tiger 卯 (usagi) - rabbit/hare è¾° (tatsu) - dragon å·³ (hebi) - snake 午 (uma) - horse 未 (hitsuji) - sheep/ram 申 (saru) - monkey é…‰ (tori) - rooster 戌 (inu) - dog 亥 (inoshishi) - boar
In Fruits Basket, the curse was broken when Tohru Honda helped the Sohma family confront and overcome their deep-rooted emotional traumas and insecurities. Through her unconditional love, understanding, and acceptance of their true selves, the curse was gradually lifted, allowing the family members to heal and break free from the cycle of the zodiac curse.