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Kundalini is the energy that is you and is distributed throughout your bodies cells and is that which keeps you alive and functioning. In the 'average person' today, most of this energy is being used to maintain the structure of personality. When we are born as infants this energy is high and free in the body, as is evidenced by rapid growing. This growth rate gradually declines as we go from infancy to adulthood, and this decline shows that more energy is getting diverted to formulation of the structure of personality of the developing individual. The personality develops and gets sets by the bones of the skeleton while growing is happening. Growing stops when one has reached their full height and after the eruption of the last wisdom teeth. At the point that growing stops then all one's energy is now being used to build up the structure of personality. Because of this, some people will say that the kundalini energy is dormant. It is not dormant, it is just being used to grow the next structure that is needed in order for one to become self-aware. Through the consistent practise of meditative techniques, the individual can learn to be the observer of one's personality. The phenomena of rising awareness will only happen when the individual uses one will or life force to make the decision to become the observer. As one continues to practise being the observer of one's personality, then the side-affect is that the structure of personality starts to dissolve or have less influence, thus releasing held kundalini energy back to the body. When this energy is released from the old structure, it is used to make a new structure in the body. This is a gradual growing process and can take years to complete. The change that is made with the released energy is biologically done in the body and mostly has to do with changes made to the central nervous system. As one progresses along these lines the changes made to the body become more pronounced because there is increasingly more energy for growing. The purpose of the changes are to allow the individual to have a direct awareness with one's surroundings that doesn't need the intermediate structure of personality. This is an evolutionary advantage. The structure of personality is primarily a reflection accomplished by the inner workings of the brain and central nervous system, most people can recognize this as being one's mind. Kundalini is the energy responsible for evolutionary development and heightened states of consciousness and awareness, and is present in all living forms of life. All forms of life are growing towards increasing levels of self-awareness.

As far as man is concerned his primary reason for his existence on Earth is to learn through his own reactions by having physical experiences and to evolve towards higher levels of awarness and consciousness. When an individual has finished with the process of releasing all the energy which is being held as personality in their body, then there will be a new structure for the human being to interact with his environment. ==new answer==In the universal language of mind, the kundalini is represented in The Bible in Genesis as the Euphraties river. Also the energy is represented by the serpent in Genesis and as the dragon in Revelation. As one begins their spiritual development, this energy becomes more expressive, as the student learns to work with the kundalini. It is our creative essence. As the previous person related, this energy lies dormant until called into action through development of awarness.

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