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She says it's just Chinese superstition

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 12y ago

she says its a chinese supersition

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Q: What is Jing-mei Woo's reaction to her mother's belief in the five elements that make up each person?
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What is jing mei woos reaction to her mothers belief in the five elements that make up her person?

She says it's just Chinese superstition

What is Jing-Mei Woo's reaction to her mother's belief in the five elements make up each person?

She says it's just Chinese superstition

Do people get the five elements Water Fire Earth Air and Spirit?

Question is not clear ot me but Hindu belief is that body is made out from said 5 elements & mixed up with same elements after death.

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Holden means that all mothers think the best for their kids, even if their child is clearly not an angel. He also means that all mothers will do a lot for their children and can be very protective. Holden has a complicated relationship with his mother, and needs to explain himself why she is not the mother he'd have liked.

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It can reveal either one, but esepcially the theme of the work.

Why is the belief in the four elements wrong?

An element is a substance that is composed of only 1 type of atoms and cannot be broken down by physical or chemical means.The four "classic" elements are fire, water, earth (dirt or stone), and airFire is more of a process than a substance. It is a chemical reaction involving oxygen and some other substance.Water is a compound of two elements: hydrogen and oxygen.Earth (soil or stone) is a mixture composed of a multitude of different compounds and varies widely in composition.Air is a mixture of a variety of gasses, primarily nitrogen and oxygen.

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The animistic belief system of traditional West Africans reveals their close connection to nature, their belief in spirits inhabiting natural elements, and their holistic view of the world where everything is interconnected and has spiritual significance. This belief system influences their customs, rituals, and relationships with the environment and community.

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It is not an Islamic prerogative to destroy any land. Shoudl there be elements who wish to do so, their belief that it is for Islam is sadly misguided.

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"Life of Pi" is a thought-provoking and visually stunning film that explores themes of survival, faith, and the power of storytelling. It invites viewers to reflect on the nature of reality and the importance of belief in navigating life's uncertainties. The film's narrative complexity and allegorical elements make it a compelling work of art that can spark deep discussions and interpretations.

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The basic elements typically refer to the essential building blocks of nature: earth, air, fire, and water. Each element is associated with different characteristics and properties, and they are often used symbolically in various belief systems, philosophies, and practices.

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Expectancy Theory suggests that individuals are motivated to act in a certain way based on their belief that the effort they put in will lead to a certain outcome, and that this outcome is desirable to them. It consists of three key elements: expectancy (belief that effort will lead to performance), instrumentality (belief that performance will lead to rewards), and valence (value attached to the rewards).