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It probably means the dreamer is thinking about them. Or it could just be random. We have many dreams each night, but only remember a few, if any. This is one the dreamer remembered and this person seems important to the dreamer since they are asking about it.

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Q: What if you had a dream about someone that you use to like and that liked you back and suddenly you have a dream about them what does it mean?
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dream's like that mean someone that u haven't seen in a long time is coming over or someone could be talking behind your back.....A serious response:Dreams present symbols and metaphors. In this dream, stepping on you back is a common image of repression, oppression or unfair treatment by those in power. For example, dictators or corrupt businesses are said to "build their wealth on the backs of the poor." Variations of this idea frequently are seen in political cartoons. So this particular dream suggests that the dreamer feels that someone is gaining an advantage through treating the dreamer unfairly; the dreamer believes he/she is the victim of a serious injustice.