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Without more information about the dream itself, a reliable interpretation is difficult. Assuming that the person asking the question is engaged to be married, and had a dream of being married to someone else, it is possible that the dream suggests concern that one does not know the fiance well enough. The dreamer might have suppressed fears that the fiance will not turn out to be the person he/she appears to be.

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Q: What if you dream that im getting married to someone else?
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Your dreams are always about your own life. So the "someone" in this dream represents yourself, and the dream is about your own guilt or anxiety.

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Dreams are about the dreamer. So in this dream, "you" appear as a symbolic figure representing the dreamer's own self. The dream is not about "you" but about the person having the dream. Marriage is also a metaphor, often representing a public commitment, decision or contract.

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Dreams deal in symbols and metaphors, and they provide information about the person having the dream. Your husband's dream suggests that he feels that you are spending more time and effort in some other area than in relation to him. The symbol could be that you are "married" to your work, or to a sport, hobby or relationship with someone else, such as a child or your own parents.

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Here are two opinions: * If that person is getting married to someone else, what makes you think they are in love with you? The only way I can see this being the case is if you live in a society where marriages are pre-arranged. * Live and Let Live. Mind your own business and realize you dropped the ball and someone else was smart enough to do what you didn't and pick it the ball and run with it. (smile)

Can you remarry before entry of judgment is filed in ca?

If the court has not finalized the divorce, you are still married. Getting married to someone else before it is cleared is bigamy.

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Find someone else to go to the dance with. Its not like the person you like is getting married. There's still hope. The worst thing you can do is mope about it. Have fun

Can you be married in customary rights and still marry someone else without getting divorced from my first wife?

If you live in a Western country such as the United States or Canada, no, you cannot marry someone else without getting a divorce and it bigamy is breaking the law.

What does it mean getting married to someone else that's not your partner in a dream?

if u know the person its probably because you like them in some sort of way... it could also be that mayb something about them attracts you or you went to bed thinking about them... if you dont know them then well... its a fantasy.

What does Nevada law state about getting married if you are already married to someone else?

You must either have a finalized divorce from the person you are already married to, or risk being charged with bigamy (and most likely convicted).

Can you dream about someone you love?

Yes just like u can dream bout nythin else