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Getting "shot in the back" is a metaphor for betrayal by a trusted friend or associate. This dream suggests that the dreamer needs to "watch your back." In other words, be careful whom you trust, and be alert for unexpected opposition.

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Q: What if you dream of getting shot in the back and dying?
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My boyfriend had a dream about one of our kids getting shot we don't have kids yet but it is still disturbing?

a dream of anyone getting shot is disturbing, but i would'nt worry about. Its just a dream it dose'nt mean anthing

What does it mean to dream of getting shot in the back and a friend takes out the bullet?

Being shot in a dream can be interpreted as you having feelings of persecution, that the world or your current situation is unfairly hurting you. The fact that you were shot in the back, points to feelings of this being unexpected as well as unfair. Having a friend remove the bullet suggests this is someone you trust, someone that "has your back" in life.

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Dreams use exaggerated metaphors to represent other things. Getting shot in a dream could be a literal expression of the figurative expressing "getting shot down." That expression usually means someone scored a cutting remark or insult against you.

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Giant pandas are in danger because they are dying and they are getting shot

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What does it mean when you dream of getting shot on the neck?

This could be a warning dream that someone is jealous or not happy with your child, and can cause problems in your life. It does not mean that your child is going to be shot.

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Haven't you heard yet??? They're getting shot at, killed, dying and wasting public money...

What does it mean to dream about getting in front of a gun for someone and then getting shot yourself?

This dream appears to illustrate the very wise concept that when you offer to sacrifice yourself, that offer might be taken seriously. When you get "in front of a gun for someone" in the dream, you are presenting your own body as a shield, offering yourself to be shot instead of that other person. The dream demonstrates the seriousness of any offer of self-sacrifice.

Is character Dave robicheaux dead?

Probably not. The last book has him shot and dying, but being pulled back by his buddy, Clete

How did megar evers die?

He died by getting shot in the back, in his driveway.

What does it mean when you dream you got shot but you didn't die?

There are a lot of metaphors in our language about being shot, and dreams often communicate using such symbols. Here are some of the ways we get "shot" without dying: 1. Get a shot in the arm. This could be a literal vaccination, or it could be figurative in the form of encouragement. 2. Getting a shot of courage. Certainly if you get shot in a dream and are still alive, it could be a symbol of courage. 3. Someone shooting off their mouth at you. Their words might sting, but you survive. Then there are other possible symbolic meanings here that are not directly related to the "getting shot" part. You could have a guilty conscience, and the dream is one of retaliation by someone you believe you might have wronged. Or you could simply be afraid of someone or a particular circumstance. If you belong to a marginalized group or live in a bad place, you might simply fear for your safety.

Did the bullet that shot JFK go from front to back or back to front?

There was 2 or more shooters search the the "day the dream died" on youtube