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In most cases, nothing at all happens when you "see visions of the future." If by "visions," the question refers to images seen in dreams while sleeping, then those visions merely illustrate your own worries (if frightening) or wishes (if joyful.) Either way, there is nothing supernatural involved.

If the question refers to "visions" seen while wide awake - either seeing or hearing something that no one else can see or hear, then these are not visions but delusions. Delusions indicate that you have a medical problem that requires prompt attention by a medical professional. The cause may be as simple as a migraine headache or as serious as a brain tumor, and needs immediate attention.

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Visions of the Future ended on 2007-11-19.

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Watch "Supernatural" on Netflix and you will know.

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Vision of the Future was created on 1998-09-01.

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The cast of Visions of the Future - 2007 includes: Michio Kaku as Himself - Presenter

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a fortune teller or future seeker or prophet (if you are religious)

What do you call a person who has visions of the future?

There is no name for the person, but they are called premonitions. Some people have them, visions of future events. I have had around 5 myself. All of mine were nothing important. But you never know....

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See Visions was created on 2011-02-16.

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Isaac Asimov's Visions of the Future - 1992 TV was released on: USA: 15 May 1992

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No. This is not their ability. Some believe that psychics can see visions or signs of things of the future or past events or people that have passed on or away.

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