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This could mean that something you have recently encountered has triggered the memory of the deceased, and the memory was then expressed in your dream. It may also be that there is some situation in your real life where you need some knowledge or experience associated with this particular deceased person.

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13y ago

This dream suggests that the dreamer feels that the deceased died before saying something important. It could be that the dreamer was not able to say goodbye to the deceased, and therefore feels the need for a "call" from the deceased. These feelings are within the mind of the dreamer, and there is no need to think that any spirit is trying to contact the dreamer.

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Nothing happens, you are having a dream.

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Q: What happens when you have a dream someone is calling your name and they are dead?
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This suggests that the dreamer is coming to accept the reality of that person's death.

If some one is standing in your dream which is a known person what it means according to astrology?

According to astrology if someone in your dream is known as a dead person. This is just a dream.

What does it mean when dream of dead person and they are saying come on?

The meaning of this dream depends on who the "dead person" is. The category of "dead person" is so huge that a meaningful answer is very difficult. A dream of a beloved, recently deceased relative would be very different from a dream about a threatening zombie, a repulsive corpse or someone long dead historic person such as Queen Victoria. Generally speaking, during the period of mourning, it is entirely normal to dream of the deceased. These dreams represent the dreamer's feeling of loss and sadness. > Dreaming of a deceased friend or loved one beckoning you or calling you to "come on" in the dream can be disturbing, but it is not unusual. Such dreams are caused by your own feeling of guilt or remorse simply for being alive while the other person is dead. The dream is produced by your own mind as you struggle to deal with the painful mixture of grief and guilt. The dream is not predicting your own death or placing any blame on you.

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When you dream of someone that is already dead and you have to tell them in your dream that they are dead?

The dream suggests that at some level the dreamer is having difficulty accepting the reality of the person's death. The effect of the dream is to tell one's own self that the person is dead. This is a healthy, natural dream, and represents the early stages of healing grief.