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Can you be more specific about what you're asking? There are several things, including a lake, most states, any land locked country, etc.

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Q: What does not border an ocean?
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What state has no border on the Atlantic Ocean Is it Vermont Connecticut or New Hampshire?

Vermont does not border the Atlantic Ocean. New Hampshire and Connecticut border the Atlantic Ocean.New Hampshire and Connecticut border the Atlantic Ocean. Vermont does not border the Atlantic Ocean.Vermont has no border on the Atlantic Ocean. Both Connecticut and New Hampshire have borders on the Atlantic Ocean.Vermont does not border the Atlantic Ocean. Hew Hampshire and Connecticut border the Atlantic Ocean.

Which state does not an ocean Vermont Virginia Delaware?

Vermont does not border an ocean. Virginia and Delaware border the Atlantic Ocean.

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it DOES NOT border any of them.. ((:

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Five U.S. states border the Pacific Ocean. California, Oregon, Washington and Alaska border the Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is located in the Pacific Ocean.

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The Pacific Ocean doesn't border Africa.

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there are 5 that dont border the ocean.

Which state has no border on the Anlantic Ocean New HamsphireConneticut Vermont?

Vermont does not border the Atlantic Ocean. New Hampshire and Connecticut border the Atlantic Ocean.

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Asia, Africa, Australia and Antarctica border the Indian Ocean.

Which of these is not bordered by the Atlantic ocean vermont New Jersey Delaware?

Vermont does not border the Atlantic Ocean. New Hampshire and Maine border the Atlantic Ocean.

What state does not border an ocean Vermont Virginia Delaware or Oregon?

Pennsylvania is a state that is not bordered by the Atlantic Ocean. It is situated to the left of New Jersey and is bordered by the Delaware Water Gap.