

Best Answer

You Have A Crush

On Them Or You Care About Them Loads So Its Just Feelings

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Q: What does it mean you have a dream of one person again and again?
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What does it mean when you have a dream with a famous person and with the death of a loved one?

it means that you had a dream with a famous person and the death of a loved one.

What does it mean when you dream about your love one cheating?

It means you are a very insecure person.

If you dream about one person for continuous dreams what does that mean?

It means that they are haunting your mind.

What does it mean if you dream of someone you love?

It is perfectly natural to dream about those one loves. The dream reflects the dreamer's thoughts and feelings. But the dream provides no information about the other person's emotions about the dreamer.

What does it mean when one see nicked men in a dream?

It Means DAT person have a spiritual problem

When a boy is in your dream does that mean you are in love?

No, dreams do not determine whether or not one is in love. Dreams reflect the thoughts and feelings of the dreamer, so if a certain person is often in one's thoughts, it is natural to dream about that person. But dreams are no guarantee that one is in love.

What does it mean when you and boy dream of the same thing?

It could mean anything or nothing. Different elements of dreams mean different things depending on the associations a person has--for example, a dream about flying could be fun for one person but scary for another. It is most likely just a coincidence.

What does the term pipe dream mean?

Pipe dream means that you dream only about one thing. That thing comes to your mind again and again. You dream of that thing daily.

What does it mean if someone comes in dream without thinking about them?

One need not think about a person while awake in order for that person to appear in a dream. The dreamer's subconscious mind might associate that individual with a particular memory or experience from the preceding day. That individual might symbolize someone or something else in the dream - there are countless possibilities. However, seeing someone in a dream does NOT mean that person was thinking of the dreamer.

What does it mean if a loved one is totally ingoring you like your not there in a dream?

The dream only illustrates your own feeling of being ignored by this person. It tells you nothing at all about what that loved one is thinking or feeling about you.

What does it mean to have a dream about some one who you have never liked and in the dream you are in a relationship with that person and it feels right and when you wake up you have a big crush him?

It probley means god wants you to be with him!

What does it mean when you dream about someone over and over again and they dream about you too?

This suggests that there could be a mutual attraction. But dreams do not guarantee lasting relationships. One must build relationships and romance in reality.