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Certain types of fish look as if they are kissing as they move through the water. If a fish was up against a wall, it might appear to be kissing that wall. The dream could indicate a limit to forward movement. Something your mother is doing or working on has run up against a barrier and cannot progress any further.

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Q: What does it mean when your mom dreams of fish kissing a wall?
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Can a bubble wall be too vigorous for your fish?

Yes, a bubble wall can overpower some fish.

What must be done in making a mounted fish?

In order to mount a fish onto a wall, you need a couple of things. A wall, a screw driver and a fish. If it is one of the plastic fish made for mounting, drill some screws into the wall and hang the fish onto it.

How do you help a fish that is about to be dead?

Put it in water as fast as you can. ..seriously? throw the fish off of a wall and put it out its misery, i mean come on who asks ridiculious questions like that?

When is a wall like a fish?

When is a wall like a fish? When it is scaled! The humour here lies in the different meanings of the word "scaled". A fish is covered in scales and so is therefore scaled, and a wall can be scaled (or climbed).

What does it mean to dream leaning against a wall fence and then it begins to shake?

Dreams communicate through symbols and metaphors. In this dream, the wall fence may be a metaphor for support or security. The shaking suggests that something or someone the dreamer is relying on is not dependable.

Is it ok to practice kissing on a wall?

It is not recommended to practice kissing on a wall as it may not accurately simulate a real-life kissing experience and could potentially result in injury. It's better to practice with a willing and consenting partner to improve your technique and comfort level.

Where can one purchase a good quality wall mounted fish tank?

When one is interested in buying a good quality wall mounted fish task, there are several very good options to choose from. You can go with traditional websites which offer many options of wall mounted fish tasks, such as custom wall aquarium and frame a fish. Another very good option to choose from is to go on Amazon or Ebay, where you can buy wall mounted fish tasks at a discounted rate.

What kind of fish is a wall eye?


What did the fish say when he swam into the wall?


Where could one buy wall mounted fish tanks from online?

Wall mounted fish tanks can be bought online from many different stores and retailers. Some examples that sell wall mounted fish tanks include Overstock and A Trendy Home.

Were is the writing in the attic in house of Anubis house of dreams?

First you have to make sure that you are holding the flashlight. Then, on the wall to the left of the wall you entered is the writing.