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Q: What does it mean when you hear the sound of three bells?
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What does a rumbling sound mean?

They do that when they hear a curious sound.

What does it mean when you hear a ringing noise in your house?

what does it mean when me and my kids keep hearing bells, in different rooms of my house

What does hearing the sound of distant bells mean?

it means you are going to DIE sorry i really am=(

What does it mean when you hear whistling and bells ringing in the middle of the night?

Your fire or burglar alarm has gone off.

What does tin tin tinabulation mean?

"Tintinnabulation" refers to the ringing or tinkling sound of bells. It is commonly used to describe the gentle, musical sound that bells make when they ring. The word is often associated with a sense of enchantment or spiritual significance.

How do you spell soud?

If you mean a noise humans hear, it is spelled sound. The gun made a loud sound.

What sound does a tamborim make?

I think you mean 'Tamborine'. It's a drum you hold in your hand and it has bells on it, but the bells don't 'chime' like church bells, they rattle. Because it's a drum with bells, people sometimes say they 'bang' the tambourine and sometimes they 'rattle' it, but really, it makes both sounds.

What does O captain mt captain rise up and hear the bells mean?

The phrase "O Captain! My Captain! Rise up and hear the bells" is from a poem by Walt Whitman written in honor of Abraham Lincoln after his assassination. It is a call for the Captain, referring to Lincoln, to awaken and receive the accolades and mourning of the people.

Why do divers hear better under water?

Sound travels faster underwater, but this does not mean that divers hear better underwater. It just means that the sound is heard more quickly.

What does love sound like?

I depends on the kind of love. Love love is just unimaginable! I kind of sounds like bells if yo know what I mean.

What does 8 bells mean on board ship?

On navy ships bells are struck to designate the number of hours on watch. Each watch is four hours in length, one bell is struck after the first half hour, two bells after one hour and three bells after 1.5 hours, and so on up to 8 bells which are struck after the completion of four hours when the watch is then completed

What does within the earshot mean?

it means when someone is standing at a certain distance in which they can hear the sound that has been made.