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More than likely, you recently saw, heard or felt (de j'vu) something in regards to the deceased. This trivial thought/feeling you probably were not aware of at all, stays with you and is eventually triggered while in a 'dream state.'

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10y ago

Four years is not a long period of time where grief and death are concerned. If this someone was special to you, it is not at all unusual to dream of them and to be working through issues of grief four years after they have passed.

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12y ago

This dream might have been triggered by passing a place associated with the deceased, or by a snippet of music or a fragrance - anything that the dreamer's mind associates with the deceased might have brought the memory of that person to mind and then led to the dream. Such associations need not be conscious, and the dreamer need not even have been aware of the sight, sound or fragrance.

... Alternatively, the dreamer might be returning to an old pattern of behavior - a habit, activity, or way of thinking - that resembles the period of time when the deceased was alive. For example, if the deceased taught the dreamer to drive, teaching one's own child to drive would bring the deceased to mind.

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Q: What does it mean when you have a dream of someone who has already died 2 years ago?
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