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I would wonder what is "burning you up", which is an idiom for what has gotten you angry. Often, people (in general) push away angry feelings. These feelings can come up in our dreams. But as always, only you, the dreamer, can decide what your dream means.

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Q: What does it mean when you have a dream about spontaneous human combustion?
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Related questions

What do the words spontaneous combustion mean?

It is sudden combustion caused without any apparent reason

Does spontaneous combustion mean that you literally catch on fire?

No, it means that the fire can start all by itself.

If a girl is walking next to you and she disappears what does it mean?

She hates you, shes a ghost, someone kidnapped her, alien abduction, or spontaneous combustion.

What does spontaneously combust mean?

Spontaneous combustion refers to the phenomenon where an object ignites and burns without an external heat source. This can occur due to a chemical reaction within the object, typically with materials like oily rags or coal dust. Temperature, ventilation, and combustible materials all play a role in spontaneous combustion.

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to always keep with your dream and to have a great spirir

What is the definition of spontaneous?

The word spontaneous can mean, proceeding from usual feeling or native tendency without outward obligation. It can also mean, steming from a brief impulse. Spontaneous can refer to something managed and administered internally, such as acting by or on on ones own initiative. It can mean having been made lacking being planted or lacking human effort. Spontaneous can mean having developed or happened lacking apparent outer control, power, guidance, or treatment. Lastly, spontaneous can mean not clearly invented or manipulated, meaning something that is natural.

How do you say spontaneity in a sentence?

Spontaneous is a word that would be replaced by "random" today. It means to be "fresh", "off the wall", and rather joyful. It can also mean "instantaneous." "Ellen and Elizabeth fell into a spontaneous conversation about boys." "Spontaneous combustion is always a danger with heat and petroleum products." "Jane has a knack for finding spontaneous fun."

What do spontaneous mean?

Spontaneous means somthing that dosent need to be answered.

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Spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus before it is viable and especially between the 12th and 28th weeks of gestation compare to abortion.

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If you are heterosexual but dream about gay sex what does that mean?

It means you are a normal human being. Many people have dreams like this. It doesn't mean anything.