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The dream suggests that the dreamer is a young girl who is confused about how to relate to father-figures.

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Q: What does it mean when you have a dream about one of your guy teachers trying to hold your hand and you run away from him but then he turns into your dad and he's really hurt that you wouldn't let him?
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nothing really , you just had a bad dream but that's okay bad dreams happen

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it means something very very bad !!!!!!!!! if you ever dream a really bad dream like that dont tell any on e !

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Depends on what happened in the dream, and what role he played. If he was a major role, it was probably your subconscious telling you that you actually do like him. If he wasnt a major part of it, I wouldnt think anything of it.

What do PE teachers mean in a dream?

If you dread going to PE class and hate being criticized by the PE teachers, the dream merely expresses those feelings. It does not predict any future event in PE class.

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When you have a dream that you kiss someone close to you, then it normally means that your dream is sending you sumbliminal messages, trying to tell you you like the person and have some feelings for them.

What does it mean when you dream that your teacher lived with you for a day please someone who knows a lot about dreams?

Dreams happen when your brain is functionating on minimal activity so what people mostly dream about are things that are bothering them or things that are on their mind. Maybe you really like him and want to make a good impression on him and you are trying to learn more about him by trying to figure out what he likes.(I'm just making a prediction because I don't know what really went on in the dream) I wish I knew a little more about this dream so I can help you out better. Maybe if he/she was an enemy, you would have had that dream because this person bothers you. i hope I helped.

When you have the same dream foer 3 years?

This dream is trying to get a message across that you are not hearing.

What does it mean to have a dream that you are not really married if you are?

Maybe this dream is trying to tell you that in the near future, you won't be married anymore. Not to scare you or anything, but it is a possibility. Or, this dream could be trying to tell you that you shouldn't be married anymore. You might have problems with an abusive spouse. But I don't know the situation; so I'm just saying what it could be. You could be paranoid, so stop. I hope I helped answer your question!

Who are the baddies in a midsummer nights dream?

There are not really any Baddies in Midsummer Night's Dream. The father who is trying to force his daughter into marrying a man whom she does not love comes closest, but he is not so much a comic villain as an overly-controlling parent.