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The perception that one has dreamed about an experience before it occurs could be what is called deja vu. In other cases, the actual dreams are so vague that a later experience might appear in retrospect to fulfill any one of them. To be certain that a dream comes true, one must keep a dream journal, recording each dream as it is received, along with the date of the dream. This journal becomes a reliable record of any dreams that come true.

It means that your dreams have came true. The things that you have always wanted or wished for has came true. For example:You have always wanted a new computer and then one day your parents bought you one.

if ur dreams come true it means that u r having luck of some kind maybe good or bad.........

1. Could be a coincidence.

2. Could be that you consiously or sub-consiously directed your own actions/choices that make it seem like they came true.

Dont put too much stock in sleep-related dreams as they are random, largely uncontrollable, and often unrelated to anything in your life experience. On the other hand God has a history of presenting himself and his plans for our lives in dreams. Talk to your Pastor or church Elder for their opinion if you think God is communicating to you via dreams.

it's called a preminition dream. i'm just a young girl and it happens to me a lot. most people only get it occasionally. at the moment, things that i dream are insignificant, but they are getting increasingly important. I'm not sure this happens to everyone, but i also get this through the day (a preminition daydream, perhaps?). so dont panic if it happens to you.

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13y ago
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11y ago

Yes but it takes hard work.


In the English language, there can be confusion between dreams that occur during sleep and dreams that refer to hopes and aspirations for success. If the question is whether images seen during sleep predict the future, then the answer is nearly always "no." If the question is about whether it is possible to realize one's aspirations of success, then the correct answer is indeed, "Yes, but it takes hard work."

Yes of course they do

No, dreams are mostly what's already happened.

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14y ago

This is a difficult question to answer. There is no way to make your exact dreams come true sense many dreams are non-realistic. There are ways however, of reaching your dreams. The best ways to make your dreams come true is to analyze what your dreams mean. To start you should start a dream journal. In your dream journal write down keywords or people from your dreams. The longer you do this the more you develop patterns. Next, you can begin to recognize why you are dreaming these things. If you are dreaming about your relationship you can see what is causing the problem, or if you dream of financial problems you can readvice your job status. Once you connect your dreams to your real life you can begin to fix them. Find ways to adjust your life to accomplish your dreams. This is the most affective way to make your dreams come true.

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15y ago

im pamela turner, im 13 and a girl. i do beleave our dreams come true because we beleave in them soo. if a dream feel's like it was real, if you beleave it was then it is to youre mind, try hard not to beleave soo. iv had many dreams come true before and its hard to beleave myselth, but people say iv got a power of telling what's going to happen before it does happen. so just be carefull what-ever you dream. dearlly beloved, pamela.

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13y ago

Dreams are produced by the subconscious mind. Occasionally the conscious mind will overlook details that are noticed and remembered by the unconscious mind. If these details for a pattern that point toward a future consequence, they might appear in a dream. That dream is like a weather forecast - it predicts the future based on available evidence.

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12y ago

It's called Deja Vu. When you sleep Sometimes you soul leaves you body and goes to the place you will be later. Before you wake up it comes back into your body.Then the event happens. And if the soul doesn't come back your dead.(Not to scare you)

Keeping the above answer just because it made me laugh.

I do believe that people can have dreams that are of future events, i've had it many times, but I do not believe that your 'soul' decided to jump out of your body and stroll down the street in the middle of the night.

To answer your question would take plenty of research and lots of theoretical explanations, but the most common point i found is this:

--Since the way we think, how we move, what we feel, and how we interpret things is entirely based off of electric signals, and our brain is one of the most powerful electrical substances in existence, and that everything is made of particles which are also electrical: We produce certain brainwaves while asleep, and those brainwaves can mimic those signals and even interfere with what some people call 'SpaceTime'.

This interference and signal processing can make the brain produce images we see in our sleep. Our brains are single-handedly interfering with SpaceTime, giving off and recieving such powerful energy waves. This can potentially bend us into the future, in a different location, see it, but then the waves would respond, correct themselves, and return us to our usual sleep.

Again, this is all theoretical but i find it the most interesting and most qualifying possibility for dreaming of the future.

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13y ago

This is, quite literally, a wish-fulfillment dream. The subconscious mind creates a wonderful story in which the dreamer can experience something that is unlikely to happen in real life - such as all one's wishes coming true.

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15y ago

because they are hallucinating and/or dillusional

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