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It means that for some reason you are feeling insecure in your relationship. The dream does not provide any information or evidence about your husband's thoughts, feelings, intentions or behavior and it does not predict any future event. Your dreams only illustrate your own thoughts and emotions.

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14y ago

This probably means that you have not quite gotten over your ex-husband yet. Try not to worry about it too much, it is hard to let go of those you used to love.

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9y ago

It means that you are lacking trust on him. It is the case that you will be cheating on him. in return is coming to you as a dream.

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Q: What does it mean when you dream that your husband goes back with his ex wife?
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When you dream about the guy you are dating and in your dream he goes out with another girl behind your back. Dreams can mean different things. Sometimes it can mean what happens. Other times it could mean something totally different that has nothing to do with any of that. No one will ever know what it means. I hope I helped. From your friend, Amy<3

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you and your family need to be put into a NUT HOUSE all dressed IN WHITE JACKETS.

What does it mean if i dream about being reunited with my husband?

The dream expresses your own desire to be reunited with your husband. It does not predict the future in any way, and it does not tell you anything about your husband's feelings or intentions.

What does it mean when you dream about your husband's ex girfriend?

You're a lesbian and your husband doesn't satisfy you enough

What does it mean when you dream of your husband cheating on you and in love with a beautiful girl?

The dream only means that you are insecure and worried that you might not be beautiful enough for your husband. This dream expresses your own fears. It does not reveal anything at all about your husband's thoughts or intentions.

What does dream mean when your ex husband tells you he is coming back?

Some dreams originate from stress and you are obviously upset you and your ex husband are no longer in a relationship and wish that the two of you would get back together again and thus, the dream of him coming back. Dream are every half hour when in REM sleep to relax the body and handle stress and it is the first few seconds when you are awake that you remember a dream or a nightmare. However, this does not mean he may not come back, but try getting on with your life by getting out with friends; back into society as a whole and dating again.Another PerspectiveIt could also simply be a bad dream. You could be overburdened with problems right now and the dream is the manifestation of the return of another bad problem. You could be experiencing a particularly stressful time and the dream is a manifestation of that stress. Being back with your ex-husband could be considered a nightmare depending on your past experience. I knew a person who had a recurring dream, during times of stress, that her present life was but a dream and she was really still married to her ex-husband in real time. She always woke up extremely depressed after one of those nights.

What does it mean when you dream your husband is chitting on you?

What is "chitting"? if you mean cheating - it can mean nothing or that YOU are worried about something.