This dream suggests the dreamer doubts the boy friend will be there for her when she needs him.
If in your dream, you let him boughs your butt it means that you feel attracted to him. If you don't let him than you may have bad instinks for him.
It means you need a new boyfriend.
Dreams can mean everything or nothing, they are less controlled than some people would like to think. Your dream possibly means that you are desparate for a baby.
if by bf you mean boyfriend then yes!
There is no meaning for "BF" in BF Falcon. The BF Falcon is a model of car produced by the Ford Motor Company. The Ford BF Falcon is a full-size car released in October 2006.
it means you have a very imaginative imagination.
i dont understand the question. do you mean how do you KISS your bf? how do you what? i cant answer if you dont specify...
Youre feeling insecure. Or, maybe you picked up on something still between them. You should probably talk to your boyfriend about your feelings.
well i think BF means boyfriend and BFF means best friend forever
If you dream about your ex more than usual it probably means you want to be with her/him and you haven't got over your partner