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It depends on what a snail means to you. Being an individual, only you can properly assess what it means when you think of snails. Here are some of my thoughts though:

Maybe something is slow in your life

Maybe you want something to change or manifest in your life and you are impatient

Maybe someone made you feel small and insignificant

Maybe you are slowly beginning to understand a new conflict

You see, what else was also present in your dream and how you felt can also affect the meaning of the snail.

Best of luck.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Snails are small, insignificant creatures that typically are harmless. So the dream suggests that what appears to be an insignificant (and slowly progressing) situation could turn out to be rather dangerous and painful.

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12y ago

A snail typically symbolizes excruciatingly slow movement. So this dream probably expresses the dreamer's frustration about something that is proceeding far more slowly than desired.

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12y ago

Apparently, having a dream about snails signifies unhealthy surroundings and if you kill or step on a snail it means you will come in contact with disagreeable people.

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