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Paintball is a rather violent sport that (ideally) causes no serious harm to anyone. The dream means that you need to find an appropriate and effective outlet for your anger and aggression.

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Q: What does it mean when you dream of playing a game of paintball with someone?
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Related questions

What is the purpose of a paintball gun?

The purpose of a paintball gun is to fire paintball pellets, to mark opponents in the game of paintball.

What is the penal code section for shooting someone with a paintball gun?

if its outside of a game it can be taken as assault, same as if you attacked someone with a baseball bat

Is NPPL Championship Paintball 2009 a multiplayer game?

Yes NPPL Championship Paintball is indeed a multiplayer game.

How do you say paintball in spanish?

The actual word paintball means "pelota de pintura." However, the game paintball is "juego de guerra con pelota de pintura." This is one way to describe the game paintball.

What does it mean to dream about playing a game?

Its nothing specific about a dream in which you play a game. Its absolutely random. Many people have these sort of dreams so its absolutely normal.

Are there any rules when playing air soft?

If a person is playing an Air Soft game, which is usually played with paintball guns, the rules will depend on the individuals playing and where they are playing at. For instance, some individuals may play a "no-holds-barred" game, in which there are no rules. However, some businesses which have Air Soft "playgrounds" may have rules. Some of them rules may include prohibitions against shooting someone in the face or groin.

What is a paintball place called?

Sometimes paintball is know as a specific type of game, such as woodsball or speedball.

Who made the first paintball game timer?

Timers for paintball games are just stopwatches.

Why might someone dream of owning the game Wet?

One might dream of owning the game Wet, possibly because of the game play quality the game possesses. However there are other factors such as graphics and the game's storyline.

Rules of the Game: Paintball?

In the exciting game of paintball, players either divide into teams or compete individually in a battle-like scenario. Of course, paintball is much safer than any true battle, as the opponents shoot capsules of paint at each other and not bullets. Still, paintball can be quite dangerous in many situations. Many people have gotten seriously injured while playing the game. But following a basic set of paintball rules can help to avoid injuries and keep the game of paintball safe. Referee To make sure that all players are following the rules and playing safely, an impartial referee is appointed to oversee the game. This referee is responsible for declaring the start of the game, stopping the game for paint checks, and announcing the end of the game. The paintball referee is also similar to referees in other sports, in that he or she is required to settle disputes between players or teams. Elimination A person is eliminated from the game, or declared out, when a paintball breaks against his or her skin, clothing, shoes, or any protective gear he or she may be wearing. When this happens, the person that has been hit must raise his or her hand, call out, and immediately exit the playing field. If the paintball hits the person without breaking, then the person is not eliminated. If a player is unsure as to whether or not he has been eliminated, he or she can call the referee out for a paint check, and the referee will decide if the player is eliminated. Minimum Distance Not all paintball fields enforce minimum distance rules, but many do. This rule is mainly used as a safety precaution, because being shot by a paintball gun from close range can be extremely painful and usually leaves a nasty welt. Minimum distance requirements vary from place to place, but typically range from ten to twenty feet. Overshooting Overshooting can be defined as the repeated shooting of a player after he or she has been eliminated. Overshooting rules are enforced at the discretion of the referee and the owner of the paintball field. Like minimum distance regulations, they are meant to protect the players from harm.

What does it mean when you dream that you are in a game as your own character but the game isn't like the real game the game being kingdom Hearts?

It means you are playing Kingdom Hearts too much.

Is Mario paintball a real game for the Wii?

No. The Mario paintball game was just a myth. Paintball in the eyes of Nintendo promoted shooting and violence. They would not want their mascot shooting princess peach. They aso wouldn't like Mario shooting Luigi