This dream might mean that the dreamer feels exposed, particularly if there were other people in the dream.
What DOES a dream MEAN that makeS YOU scared...well its called a nightmare... an unpleasant or terrifying experience... look online to key parts of this dream to find out what it means :)
to always keep with your dream and to have a great spirir
body parts
What does it mean when you have dreams about worms coming out of your body..Picking them out of your body..Cutting them out..etc..
heebee jeebees
It can be a verb - to dream It can be a noun - I had a dream
It means that you are in the state of internal body cleansing...
Roughly, body painting ... parts of the body, not necessarily entire anatomy.
the answer is the earthworms has both body parts.
It merely means that your physical body is expressing something you are experiencing in your dream. You would need to consider the actual dream that was taking place when someone told you that you were singing.
It is divided into three parts: Head, Thorax and abdomen. The thorax is the middle part and the abdomen is the rear part and if you mean the all the body parts it has five. Head, Wings, Antlers, Legs, and body.