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This dream's meaning depends entirely on who the person in the picture is. Very generally, it might suggest a need to take a more objective view of your own life, considering the meaning of your life in the long term instead of only your immediate situation.

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Q: What does it mean when you dream of a picture of someone with date of birth and death?
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This dream suggests that the dreamer is struggling to accept the finality of death. The subconscious mind produced a wish-fulfillment dream in which the "someone" is not dead but only injured.

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This suggests that the dreamer is coming to accept the reality of that person's death.

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Basically in a dream, seeing someone else giving birth, suggests that you or someone else are giving birth to a new idea or project. It also represents new beginnings or some upcoming event. A more direct interpretation of this dream, may represent your desires/ anxieties of giving birth or the anticipation for such an event to occur.

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It means you have'nt excepted that persons death

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That means the dreamer is strong and honorable.

What does it mean when you see someone plan your death in a dream?

It means that you are having an unpleasant dream. Unles you have grounds for thinking that he is going to kill you nothing.

Can someone interpret your dream?

Of course! You can, by using a dream dictionary, or figuring it out yourself. Write down what happens in your dream or draw a picture of it to help you understand better. A psychic can definitely interpret your dream, not to jump to conclusions or anything lol.

What does a dream of death standing next to the moon mean?

Someone you know will die soon at night.

What does giving birth to a wolf mean in your dream?

In dreams, birth symbolizes transformations and new beginnings. When wolves are in your dream it can represent being selfish, clever, and evading something or someone. Personally, I feel this dream symbolizes you noticing a darker, more devious side of your personality.

What does it mean when you dream about someone who has died and he is driving fast?

It is natural to dream about someone who was close to you or someone you cared about when you are mourning their death. Dreaming of him "driving fast" only reflects something associated with that person in your own mind; perhaps you believe that he took unnecessary risks, or that he lived a "fast life" of drugs and other self-destructive behaviors. But your dream provides no insight whatsoever into his actual life or death.