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The dream presents an image of moving forward through an opposing momentum. You are walking "through" the river, suggesting that you are trying to get someplace (the other side of the river) while the river current is pushing against you, impeding your progress and threatening to force you away from your goal. The dream raises the question of why you are walking through the river instead of using a bridge or boat; that is, why you aren't you using more rational, simple or conventional methods to accomplish your goal?

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11y ago
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13y ago

There are too many possible meanings for dreams about water to suggest a reliable interpretation. Waterfalls as such might symbolize a climactic ending or a significant change in "the flow" of one's life or in one's present condition. Otherwise, water might represent anything from a drinking fountain to an ocean, and cannot be interpreted in any way.

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13y ago

The most likely explanation is that the dreamer heard running water while sleeping. There might have been water running from the gutters outside, or the sound of a toilet flushing or shower running could trigger such a dream. Alternatively, the waterfall might symbolize a relationship or situation that is "falling" apart or getting out of control.

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12y ago

It could mean absolutely nothing. You may be thirsty or your mind just happens to be thinking of rushing water. Many people say it means you need to go to the bathroom. Although this may just be a myth.

Edit: Most people dream of water at some point in their lives, and dream interpretors state that water is a very clear reflection of our emotions - more specifically, our waking emotions. For instance, if the water was stagnant or murky, you may be upset or depressed about something. Crystal-clear water may suggest happiness, or optimism.

Generally, fast-moving or rough water symbolizes anxiety over an upcoming event. For more information on water in your dreams, please see the attached link below.

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10y ago

There are several accepted interpretations for waterfalls in a dream.

There are those who claim a waterfall is a reminder/memory of your birth.

Some say it is about being pushed along by forces much larger and more powerful than yourself.

And still others see it as a representation of the joy and happiness of our waking life.

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10y ago

There are far too many possibilities to guess at a single interpretation. "Moving water" could refer to water from a kitchen fawcett, a roaring river, waves on a beach or a drizzle of rain on a window. Consider what emotions you felt during the dream and whether the water was cleansing, nourishing, destructive, drowning or refreshing. Factors such as these will provide clues to the meaning of the dream.

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9y ago

This dream's meaning depends on where you are and what you are doing in relation to the waterfall as well as the emotional tone of the dream itself. For example, a relaxed and contented dream of sitting on a wooded hillside viewing a beautiful waterfall in the distance might mean that you are satisfied and pleased with your life, enjoying the rewards of lifelong accomplishments. In contrast, a dream of being in a canoe without a paddle in a roaring river that is washing you toward the brink of a vast waterfall would illustrate feelings of being out of control of your own life and fear of impending disaster.

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14y ago

This denotes meditation, pondering and reflection of your thoughts and emotions.

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Q: What does it mean when you dream about walking through a river?
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