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it could mean that you like this person a lot and depending on what you are doing with that person in the dream reflects on how you possibly plane to deal with them or just the cold hard fact that you like the feeling of seeing thoes people make you feel more secure and and happy. im only 12 who rote this you know how it is,but its still good advice in my eyes:p

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Q: What does it mean when you dream about someone that you like for a week?
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What does it mean when you dream about the person for a week?

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It could even mean that you saw him that day, or maybe that week. It may not mean anything.

What does it mean when you dream about someone you like and thr dream comes 2 pass?

It probably means that you noticed certain hints and indications in daily life that, when reviewed in your subconscious mind, clearly forecast obvious consequences. Such dreams function exactly like the weather forecast which predicts next week's rain from today's observable conditions. > Perhaps more importantly, the dream only reveals the functions of your own subconscious mind and your own interest in this person. The dream does not predict any future relationship and it does not tell you anything about that person's thoughts or feelings.

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Grab a piece of paper and draw something like what you dream of or something

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That's REALLY confusing... I think it means that your baby is due closer than you think...

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I interpret that to mean any day of the following week.

What does it mean when you dream about someone you use to like?

It is difficult to get a good understanding of the dream without more information. Someone you used to love could represent your own past, or even your own youth or childhood. The dream is not necessarily about the specific individual, but about someone or something in your past represented by that person.

When someone says last Tuesday and its Wednesday does that mean the day before or the Tuesday last week?

last week

What does it mean when you have a week of the same dream?

It might really happen in real life.I am not really sure but I saw it once on T.V.