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Dreams are about the dreamer. In other words, if someone else says they had a dream about you doing something, "you" were only a symbol used by the dream to represent the dreamer. However, as mentioned by another responder below, it is more likely that "people" simply want you to date that "someone" for reasons of their own. You should not make decisions based on someone else's dreams.

it mean they want you to date that person

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it mean they like you

Dreams are about the dreamer, expressing the dreamer's own thoughts, emotions and memories. If a number of different individuals claim to have had specific dreams about you, it is very likely that they are being less than entirely truthful for reasons unknown to you.

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Chances are, yes! There are millions of people in the world which means that people probably have the same dreams sometimes.another response:Different people may have similar dreams. Certain themes are very common in dreams, such as finding yourself naked in a public place, or having the sensation of falling. But as far as intentionally trying to have the same dream as someone else? That probably isn't any more possible than thinking the same thoughts as someone else. Your dreams are products of your subconscious and unconscious mind, and so your dreams are as unique as you are.

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