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CHEATING!!! ALWAYS IS. CHEATING!!! ALWAYS IS. it means you dont trust him and you feel insecure about your relationship. if he is the player type then you should be cautious about your relationship. in time if you still dream about this then confront your boyfriend or talk to one of his friends.noone knows a guy better than one of his best friends.

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15y ago
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13y ago

First, did your boyfriend tell you this dream? If so, howdid he tell you the dream. I am a guy. If I dreamed that my girlfriend and another guy was together, it would be because I fear losing her. This idea would have probably started if I had seen my girlfriend with another guy (possibly often) and I happen to be jealous. That's the best I could tell you.

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13y ago

If the dreamer has doubts about her boyfriend's faithfulness, this dream is an illustration of those doubts, and suggests that she intuitively senses that he has not made a commitment to just one lover. However, this dream could have an entirely different meaning. The two girls might represent two different options available to the boyfriend, and the dream illustrates his indecision. Those options might concern school courses, job offers, or any number of other possibilities, so the dreamer should be cautious before leaping to conclusions.

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15y ago

it's simple you are absolutely normal you just like what other girls like

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16y ago

you are justnot working hard enough

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Q: What does it mean when i dream about my boyfriend having other girlfriend and me at the same time?
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Do not worried about it. If you r not with her anymore. Or just tell her u r having dreams about her with other guys. Most girls will be true to their guys.

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Someone has to ask the other to be their boyfriend or girlfriend in which then you will be a couple.

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why not just girlfriend? why non judicial girlfriend?

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