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Not all naturally occurring phenomenon can or should be interpreted as an omen or sign, and I believe this is one such instance.

Birds naturally loose feathers (much like humans loose hairs), the process in birds is called molting. Most birds molt on a regular schedule, usually in the Spring.

Feathers tend to be heaviest at the "quill" end and fall with that end down. If the feathers land on a lawn or grassed area, they tend to stand more or less upright, making it look as if they have been placed that way.

The only time feathers stuck in the ground would be purposeful would be if you find five or more in a pattern (ie. straight line, circle, etc.) in which case human intervention has occurred and then the pattern, colour, or type (ie. crow, bluebird, cardinal, etc) would have direct bearing on the interpretation.

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Lvl 1
4y ago

When I find on my lawn black feather stuck in ground upright..warning from universe someone close to me is about to pass over... I sensed it first time I noticed one..unspoken..

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Ansley Jayde

Lvl 1
3y ago
One time I was taking care of a baby rabbit that my cat caught. I tried releasing it but it couldn’t move so I decided to keep it another day. By that time I looked up and saw a ravens feather straight up from the ground. The rabbit died the next morning

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Black crepe paper was long used (still is) for mourning banners. they hung the convent in Williamsport, Pa (in l962) with Black Crepe paper when a Nun died, specifically when her body was in the convent. _____________ It probably means that you look for black feathers whenever someone dies. You can test this out, at least partially. Be on the lookout for black feathers for the next 3 weeks.

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It means you have a bag with three feathers and a rattle LOL...... seriously.... it would depend on where you got it & what people you belong to..... was it given to you for protection, or did you get it at some gas station? what kind of feathers? do they hold meaning, or are they just some generic chicken feathers? Was it blessed, or was it made in china?

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