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The girl in this dream probably represents something or someone the dreamer is struggling against in real life.

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Q: What does it mean when a girl you dislike is in your dream and u are arguing?
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maybe you dont like her or maybe it was just a dream

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I think it means that you are thinking of that girl so much, you dream of her.

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The dream illustrates a struggle you are having with yourself. The argument represents a choice or decision that you are trying to make, and how you are "fighting" with yourself.

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well it depends, just because you have a dream about her dnt mean she will bout u

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she realy likes you

What does this dream mean Last night I had a dream about kissing a girl who I kind of like but not a lot In the dream I just held her and kissed her What does this mean?

This dream has no supernatural or magical meaning, and it give no information about the girl's emotions. It reflects your affection for the girl, and demonstrates that you have a healthy, natural interest in her.

What is mean this '?

Well it depends on what you dream of. If you dream of kissing a girl (Atomic Betty), well then it might mean you are in love.

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If a guy is mean to a girl does it mean he likes her?

Not necessarily. He might just dislike her. But if he's playfully mean, or is sometimes nice- then maybe.

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You are afraid of loosing him or him cheating on you

What does it mean when a girl smiles after you tell her you had a dream about her?

She is probably flattered.