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Simple, Your mind is manifesting a symbol which is alerting you of immediate danger, seeing how a Diamond shape marking on the snakes back is a sign representing a diamond back rattler snake which is very poisonous. Try to understand that something in your dream represented personal danger and your attempt to run, only to have it chase and try to bite you, symbolizes both fear and the need to flee. The question you need to ask is, what were you doing at the time the snake appeared in your dream? I hope this helped.


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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Snake resembles many things in different countries of the world. Some say it is evil and some say it is God's creature, for example in India, if you kill the snake, everyone will hate you. Regarding your question I'd say that something is chasing you that is beneficial, but you have to make effort and overcome the fear.

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Q: What does it mean to have a snake with a distinctive diamond on the back of its head chase you and try to bite you in a dream?
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