There is no biblical significance to this number.
Numbers do not have specific universal meanings in dreams. In other words, the number 9 in your dream could refer to an anniversary or address or the date of an appointment, while in another person's dream, the same number would mean something entirely different.
Number dreams are always specific to the individual dreamer. This particular dream sounds very much like a dream of an adolescent who is impatient to become an adult.
Number dreams always are unique to the individual dreamer, reflecting that number's presence in reality. In this dream, 769 might be a room number or an apartment number, a street address or part of a license plate.
Number dreams usually turn out to be trivial and mundane. The 8 million in this particular dream probably refers to the size of the lottery jackpot that you could only "dream" of obtaining. The dream is not predicting your future or any sudden fortune.
In a dream or in real life, "110 1011" looks like a snippet of binary code. It has no symbolic significance or mystical meaning.
The number 270 has no particular universal significance in dreams. Instead, this number has some meaning in your own life, such as a house number, part of a phone number, a classroom, etc. Often, even if you identify something in your personal life with this number, the dream remains random without any special reason for placing that number in your dream.
All of them but I assume you mean evenly divisible. 150. 150/2 is 75 150/3 is 50 and 150/10 is 15
150 is not an irrational number.
The dream's meaning depends on whatever the number 12 represents specifically for you. Whatever that number represents has become a problem that you are trying to avoid. The dream is saying that you need to stop avoiding that problem and resolve it in your real life, because it is not going away by itself.
150 is not an odd number, it is even
The mean change was -150.