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Dreams like this are often an expression of natural worry during pregnancy. Research has shown that the more "worry dreams" a woman has during pregnancy, the easier the birth, maybe because it gives a way of letting out the anxiety.

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14y ago
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11y ago

If you have this dream when pregnant, it is not cause for concern. Pregnant women often have bizarre and disturbing dreams, particularly late in the third trimester. One theory is that such dreams provide "practice" for labor and increase confidence. Otherwise, the stillborn might represent a task or project that was important to you, but has been "aborted" before completion.

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9y ago

This dream's meaning depends on the dreamer's personal situation. If the dreamer is pregnant, then the dream is typical of the disturbing and often weird sort of dream that tends to occur during pregnancy. Although frequently disturbing, research suggests that these dreams actually function as a mental preparation, providing experience in worst-case scenarios in the safe context of sleep. Pregnant women who have such dreams have been shown to have fewer complications during delivery than women without such dreams.

If the dreamer is not pregnant, then the stillbirth represents the cancellation or failure of an idea, project or assignment that was important to the dreamer. It could refer to anything from a recipe that did not turn out well to a broken relationship.

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12y ago

If the dreamer is a pregnant woman, the dream is undoubtedly frightening. Yet such dreams are not only common but have been shown to be beneficial in the late stages of pregnancy. Otherwise, the stillbirth represents the failure or cancellation of some project, assignment or contract.

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