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The lack of arms suggests an inability to do anything. In this dream, that appears to emphasize the helplessness of the baby. The baby probably represents some part of the dreamer's personality that is immature and helpless. That could be some part of the dreamer that has been neglected and not developed as it should be.

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11y ago

It means you will have a serious accident. Be on the lookout for people who look like their pets. They could have tranquilizers in their coats.

It could also mean that deep inside, you feel powerless. Hands can represent power and the abilty to control the world around you, and feet can represent your journey through life. So you feel you cannot do anything. You feel stuck in your life and unable to move forward.

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13y ago

Legs allow people to move about by themselves. This dream suggests that the dreamer, and perhaps others with whom the dreamer associates, are not allowed to function under their own power or to make choices for themselves.

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9y ago

The baby represents an unfinished project or task for which you are responsible. The dream reflects the common expression, "Let's put legs on this idea." Your idea or project does not yet have "legs" and other elements it needs to come to completion.

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Q: What does it mean to dream of a baby without arms and legs?
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What does the dream mean when you dream of a baby with no arms or legs and the baby is happy to play with you?

The lack of arms and legs suggests an inability to do anything. In this dream, that appears to emphasize the helplessness of the baby. The baby probably represents some part of the dreamer's personality that is immature and helpless. That could be some part of the dreamer that has been neglected and not developed as it should be; for example, a musical talent that has been ignored for years. The baby is happy, suggesting that the dreamer has recently returned to that neglected skill or talent.

Why do you get shots in your arms and babys in their legs?

baby's arms are very soft and the legs are stiff. i hope i helped: )

What forced Nick to live without arms and legs?

Nothing forced him silly he was born without arms and legs if you look him up there is a picture of him at only six months old without any arms or legs and just that small'foot' he has on his left ...'leg'

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its is a person without arms or legs

How do you move your arms freely without feeling tightness or pain is called?

Flexibility is being able to move your arms and legs without pain or tightness.

The muscles in your body do what?

i think tat it moves our arms and our legs without muscles or bones we wouldont be able to move our legs.

What does the muscle do in your body?

i think tat it moves our arms and our legs without muscles or bones we wouldont be able to move our legs.

Name something on a baby that might be described as chubby?

cheeks, legs, belly, arms, feet, hands

Can people lose their arms? long as their heart and brain are working, they can live. There are plenty of people that are living without arms and legs...

What crawls on 4 the 2 then 3?

A baby walks (crawls) with 4 legs + arms, a man walks with 2 legs, and an old man walks with 2 legs and 1 can (3).

When do you start to fill the baby kick?

Probably when it most starts to resemble an actual baby! I mean with arms an legs, How many months or weeks are you pregnant?

Why does your baby arms and legs jerk?

Babies' arms and legs may jerk involuntarily due to a normal reflex known as the Moro reflex. This reflex is triggered by sudden movements, loud noises, or changes in their position. It is a natural response and typically diminishes as the baby grows older. If you are concerned about your baby's jerking movements, it is best to consult with a pediatrician.