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A baby monkey would be something cute, innocent and vulnerable, much like a human baby but without the feelings of personal responsibility and need to nurture. So this dream reflects the dreamer's attraction to someone or something that is very sweet and enjoyable without necessarily wanting it as one's own.

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Q: What does it mean to dream of a baby monkey?
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Try looking st this link if it helps... sounds like it could be a really positive symbol to be in your dream!

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The Dream of the Mad Monkey was created in 1976.

What does it mean to dream of a newborn baby?

The dream could mean very different things, depending on the specifics of the baby, the context in which the dream occurs, and the way you felt during the dream. For example, dreaming of finding a newborn baby boy in a dumpster would mean something very different from dreaming of that same baby in a lacy white bassinet. If you happen to have such a dream while pregnant, it might reflect your desire for a baby boy - and in that case the dream has exactly 50% chance of being true.

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You are going to save a baby elephant ............. i think what every you dream of its the opposite.

When was Baby Monkey created?

Baby Monkey was created in 2002.

What the baby monkey name?

a baby monkey is known as an infant

What is the name of the baby spider monkey?

They are called infants

What if you dream about a cute baby monkey?

In Greek mythology cute baby monkeys often symbolised imminent violent death, usually typified by sodomy and then vasectomy. Be careful! YOLO

What is a baby money called?

A baby monkey is referred to as an infant.

Do you dream about having a baby does that mean that they will be arriving soon?

Not Necessarily!