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Dreams reflect the thoughts and feelings of the dreamer. Dreaming of the same person over and over suggests that the dreamer thinks about that person frequently or that they have an infatuation with that person. It does NOT mean that the person thinks about the dreamer - the brain does not have any means of receiving such information without the use of eyes, ears, or a device such as a cell phone.

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13y ago
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13y ago

well it could be two things:

1.) a tale that says when u are dreaming of someone that means they are thinking of you


2.) you just have that person on ur mind and u cant seem to shake them out of ur head

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13y ago

it means you really like them and if they are single you should maybe ask them out or say i like you do you feel the same way about me? and if you like them and that person is in a relation ship try and hang out with him/her and see what he/she likes and when he/she is single maybe in a week ask her out?

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14y ago

Do you know this person in real life? Do you feel a connection to this person in your dreams?

There's a number of meanings:

Your subconscious (and your conscious, mind) could be attracted to this person.

You need to tell this person something, but haven't got the knowledge or the courage yet.

There are more, but they're all much of a muchness :3

If you don't know this person, do you feel as though this time has passed or has yet to come in the dreams?

Maybe, like some other people I know, you can go through PLR (Past Life Regression) and FLP (Future Life Progression) in your dreams. Again, the first meaning comes into play, as does the second.

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13y ago

The mind sometimes produces an image of an imaginary person to represent a non-specific character in dreams. The image is similar to an avatar in a video game, a blank figure on which a story - or dream - can be built.

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15y ago

it means you like that person

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Q: What does it mean to dream about the same person over and over?
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The dream recurs over and over because it refers to some issue or problem in your life that keeps coming back. You might be avoiding the issue or you might be in denial, but until the issue is resolved, the dream is likely to continue. The "person" in the recurring dream might be part of the problem, or your mind might use that person's image as a symbol of the problem. Note that your dreams do not tell you anything about what that other person is thinking or feeling. Your dream is only about your own situation.

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it is telling you something. de ja vu (you dream that is happened in your real life but really it is in your dreams.)

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means you 2 are made for each other ?

To dream of the same person 3 times?

well. doesnt mean anything until you decide if you like this person you've dreampt of.

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really it may mean nothing but some dreams have meanings if you keep getting the same dream over and over agin it has a meaning otherwhise it was just a dream

What it mean if you keep dreaming about the same person?

dat u like the person Your dreams are about your own thoughts and feelings. It is entirely normal to dream about people whom you think about a lot. So if you have a crush on a certain person, it is not surprising if you dream about that person. These dreams reflect YOUR emotions; they do NOT reflect that person's thoughts or mean that she/he is thinking of you.

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The question seems to describe a recurring dream of running the same route over and over again. That would express you frustration about some task or routine in your real life that feels meaningless yet must be done over and over again.

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It could mean anything or nothing. Different elements of dreams mean different things depending on the associations a person has--for example, a dream about flying could be fun for one person but scary for another. It is most likely just a coincidence.

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This dream suggests that the dreamer is struggling with a specific issue, perhaps "fighting" with oneself over possible choices. When the issue is resolved in real life, the repetitive dreams will stop.

What does it mean when you dream about someone you know but never talked too?

I think it means that you must be developing feelings for them. Sometimes when you talk to someone or even just see them it sometimes develops feelings. If the dream was like a cute romantic dream then it must mean that. As suggested above, the dream reflects your own feelings, and tells you nothing at all about that other person. It does not mean that the person is thinking or dreaming about you. Something in the person's appearance has made a connection in your imagination, so that your mind uses their image in your dreams. Note that it is the image you dream of, not the actual person. Your dreams do not predict any future relationship with this person.

When you have a dream does the person that's in it have the same dream?

No, usally peoples dreams are about what happened that day