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Dreams are about the dreamer, and they speak through symbols and metaphors. So the dream is about some aspect in the dreamer's own life, but not necessarily the dreamer's marriage. It might reflect concerns about being "divorced" or separated from parents or friends, selling a beloved home, losing a job or even leaving campus.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Nothing! Dreams are just random and never come true. Never base any decision on a dream. :)

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15y ago

when you don't want to see some other couple together and you come between to separate them intentionally..

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14y ago

It means that you have feelings for her or are passionate about her in one way or another, or something related to her. Basically, you are drawn to her in some shape or form.

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Q: What does it mean to dream About your friend breaking up with her boyfriend?
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The ex-boyfriends in this dream symbolize factors from your past. The dream might be about picking up classes or a job or plans that were dropped around the time that you were with these ex-boyfriends.

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She is seeing the breaking up of your friendship. The death of you both is a metphor for your relationship.

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He is your ex boy friend so he is saying good by. It's been roses.

What does it mean when your dead mother meets your new boy friend in your dream?

It is a safe bet that you would have liked your mother to have met your new boyfriend.

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It means you need a new boyfriend.