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there maybe some huge biological problems here...... are you wet when you wake up?


If the dreamer is dreaming of being wet, but not actually wet upon awakening, then the wetness is a symbol representing something else. Water often represents emotion, so being soaked could represent powerful "drenching" emotions. Other metaphors come to mind: being "up to his neck in ..." or "jumping in with both feet." There may be something in your waking life that you are fully immersed in right now, as expressed in the dream. Another possibility would follow the expression, "he's all wet," as in being totally wrong about something.

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Q: What does it mean if your all wet in your dream?
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Answer It doesn't mean anything. You had a wet dream, that's all.

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You mean "popping" your "Cherry"... and it could possible just be a wet dream or it could be that you really like him. You could try asking him out and just go from there, never know- he might actually like you back. But personally i think it was jsut a wet dream...

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Why do you have wet dreams and you are a girl whos ten?

it means you are getting to puberty right... i am a ten year old girl who has dicharge and a wet dream i am in 5th grade wat does it mean if a girl has a wet dream?... I had one sex in it. ugh yuck doese it mean i am close to puberty or wat ppl. thx bye.

Do you need a wet dream to have kids?

A wet dream is a sign of puberty which means you could have kids, but you don't have to have a wet dream. If you know you have gone through puberty you could have kids. Wet dreams are signs of puberty. Get it??