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I think that just means you like the boy you kissed in your dream.

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13y ago

More than likely, it means that you are thinking about him a lot and are attracted to him, either consciously or subconsciously.

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Q: What does it mean if your a girl and dream of you kissing a boy?
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What does it mean when you dream of a boy kissing you and you are a boy and straight?

its normal for that to happen. if its a dream, it is probably because u thought about it alot and it was stored into your imagination.

Can you become boy friend girl friend by kissing?

No, kissing doesn't automatically mean your dating.

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opinion question...but i would think that he is interested in her

What does it mean if you dream about kissing a boy?

Its time for you to ask him out. Or just get to know him really well, then wait for the time to come

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By kissing her

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if your a boy that will be so disgusting

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If kissing is ALL What they do than: NO

What does it mean if you are a boy and dream of kissing a boy artist?

Well, for starters it can mean a variety of things. You are either sexually confused, or like in most cases, it can mean absolutely nothing at all, just a dream of course. Plenty of people have dreams of kissing, or sexual things, with people of the same sex. It's completely normal. Hope this helps!

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This means that the boy might be nervouse about kissing you. Or maybe he thinks you are not conforetible with kissing.

If girl smooch a boy then she pregnant?

what it deepens what smooch means if it mean humped yes but if it means kissing no

What would it mean if you are a girl but your dream your a boy?

it means to have a very open imagination

Why do dream of a boy on the beach kissing me?

You are dreaming about what you would like to happen.