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I personally believe that if you keep having the same dream it means there is something in your subconscious mind that keeps having your dream reoccur over and over. Like for an example would be if you saw a loved one get severely hurt, you may have dreams about it because you loved that person so the story might be put into your subconscious mind.

> And reader, if none of this helps you, it is probably nothing to worry about. After all, it is just a dream. Just think of dreams as one of the many wonders of God.

It generally means that your subconscious is trying to tell you something that you should face in reality that you have been avoiding. Repetitive dreams are usually nightmares, try to look at the main concept and put it with real life pieces. For example: you are being chased by something, this typicallyeans you tend to run away from real life's problems such as stress, anxiety, real world problems. When you face the problem in the dream, you should stop dreaming the same one.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

There is no particular significance in having the same dream several times in one night. It might reflect the effort of your subconscious mind to resolve some problem while your conscious mind is resting in sleep, or it might represent something triggering a strong emotional response. Or it could be totally random. Generally, random dreams are not remembered unless your sleep is disturbed and you awaken while the dream is in progress. You might want to consider whether some "energy drink" or alcohol or an over-the-counter medication is disturbing your sleep.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

it means there is something on your mind and you cant stop thinking about it. you need to get that fixed! c mon talk!

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βˆ™ 3y ago

What if theres nothing that’s on my mind and can’t be fixed

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Q: What does it mean if you keep having the same dream?
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It is not possible to keep having the same dream intentionally. Dreams are produced by the subconscious mind, whereas the desire to have a certain dream is a function of the conscious (waking) mind. Contrary to some claims, particularly those regarding lucid dreams, one cannot entirely supplant the subconscious mind's dream function.

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This means that you probably think about this person a lot, and that you care deeply for them. It is natural to dream about the things or people that occupy your thoughts. Your dreams do not mean that the person is thinking or dreaming about you.

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Having the same dream twice has no particular significance. It only means that you are particularly fascinated by something or possibly that your mind is trying to bring something to your attention. It does not mean that the dream is forecasting your future or that anything supernatural is involved.

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No, dreams like this mean that you two think alot alike.

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It may be that this dream is trying to tell the dreamer something that the dreamer refuses to hear. For example, the dream could refer to a problem that the dreamer is avoiding. The only way to stop the dream is to deal with the problem in real life.

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really it may mean nothing but some dreams have meanings if you keep getting the same dream over and over agin it has a meaning otherwhise it was just a dream

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If you are continuously having a dream about the same person it probably means that you have feelings for him :)

Should i see a doctor if i keep having the same dream of killing a person i dislike does it mean im going crazy?

No you are not going crazy. You might want to talk to someone about it though, just to help you get past your feelings. Try forgiving them.