This is a sex dream, triggered by your natural bodily hormones. Most individuals begin having sex dreams in puberty and continue through young adulthood. Although sex dreams become less frequent as you mature, they occur occasionally throughout life.
> Sex dreams can reflect your emotional longing as well as your physical urges. But they only reveal your own feelings; they do not provide any supernatural information about the other person's thoughts or feelings. Moreover, they do not mean that you are in love with that person. Any partner in a sex dream is merely an image, much like an avatar in a video game, and has nothing to do with the actual person.
It means you are in love with the person you did it in your dreams
It means you probably still really love, love him or her.
Ermm... You like him?? I dreamed about him 2 times and I LOVE him.....
Making Love.
it mean a house dreamed like a old cat
Go up to him and whisper in his or ear "I love Muffins" and walk away with a mad face.
No making out can mean kissing with clothes on and making love is kissing and other stuff with clothes off
making whoopie is making love
* This is a common occurrence because you use to have a meaningful relationship with your ex at one time, but this doesn't always mean you still love him.
romance is kissing and making love that is what romance is .
it means making love with the men.
If a guy tells you he loves you while making love, doesn't mean he actually loves you. hes just saying that since your pleasuring him. but it depends sometimes
it means you are crazy?