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This dream reflects only the dreamer's own fears and insecurity, along with some animosity toward girls. It refers only to the dreamer's own thoughts and feelings; it does not provide any information about anyone else's thoughts or intentions.

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Q: What does it mean if you dream that a crazy girl is trying to kill you?
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Do you know that person, and do they say anything to you while trying to kill you? Also have they ever succeeded or did you always escape. Every element in a dream goes towards its meaning, so this information would help me to interpret it.

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This dream suggests that this relationship is over. It only remains to be seen whether he breaks it off before you do.

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The dream suggests that there are serious continuing issues relative to a problem that seemed resolved.

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crazy jay is a stickfiger that has a headband of power he is on kill crazy jay and kill the spartan

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In a dream- you see them as a real threat, if it was reality-call the police now

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The dream could be an expression of your feeling that your father is trying to hold you down, or "kill your fun." I suspect you want to do something that your father is firmly against.

What doses a dream where someone is trying to kill you mean?

Well it depends. Let's say your a woman dreaming of man trying to kill you. Perhaps you've had a bad past with men. Or if it was someone you dont know trying to kill you. Maybe you're fearing something. A co-worker trying to kill you? Your co-worker might have gotten the position you wanted. There are all kinds of meanings for different killing dreams. I hoped this helped a little.

If a girl is trying to kill you can should you fight back?

yes and stab them on the neck and say yeah, or what, or poand. If the police is behind you and said. why did you stab the girl on the neck and said what. you should say because she was trying to kill me by stabing me on the chest with a sharp saw. And the police will say. okay.

What is the characters in the book lightning thief?

the girl in the book is Annethbeth she is the daughter of one of the goddes and madusa is trying to kill her.

How do you avoid a crazy person?

Kill them.