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Dreams seldom have specific, discernible meaning. They are our subconscious mind's way of processing and filing information. This is especially obvious if you understand that we only remember dreams that occur just before we awaken, but that we spend hours dreaming every night. It is as inaccurate to place meaning on a single dream as it is to assume that you understand a book when all you read was the last couple of pages.

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13y ago

It means that you dreamed about a snake in a fish tank.

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12y ago

To dream snakes, it means enemies or you're getting dream fishes,means you or someone you know is expecting..

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Q: What does it mean if you dream about a snake in a fish tank?
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Can you use a tank for a snake that had fish in it before?

Of course you can.

Can you use a tank that has had a snake in it for fish?

It is not recommended to use a tank that previously housed a snake for fish. Snakes may carry diseases that can be harmful to fish, even after thorough cleaning. It's better to err on the side of caution and use a new tank for fish.

Do you have to have a filter with fish with puffy eyes?

Filter a fish? Do you mean filtering a fish's tank? Well you have to filter any fish's tank.

What other types of fish can be introduced to your tank of guppies and swordtails?

your local fish store should have faces on their holding tanks, smiles mean the fish in that tank do well with others, frowns mean the fish in that tank don't do well with others

Is it ok to put a rock that was in a fish tank in a snake terrarium?

Not unless it has been thoroughly scrubbed and sterilised !

Is it correct to say a tank that belongs to several fish is the fish's tank?

That depends on what you mean to say. For example, if you have one angel fish in the tank you could say "That's the fish's tank" meaning that is the tank for the angel fish. If you also had a couple of clown fish, you could refer to the tank as belonging to all three fish by saying "That's the fishes' tank." Slightly different spelling and punctuation

What does it mean when yous fish tank is cloudy white and your fish are pooping weird colors?

It means the tank should be cleaned.

Can you put a snake or bamboo plant in your beta tank?

There are plenty of real water plants suitable for planting in a tank that is occupied by fish that will not place the fish at risk. Terrestrial plants do not belong under water. They will eventually rot and poison the water thereby killing the fish.

Why does the water in a fish tank look weird?

What do you mean by "weird"?

What does it mean when your fish always stays at the back of the tank?

They are shy!

What does it mean if your ghost shrimp keeps jumping out of the tank?

If your ghost fish keeps jumping out of thee tank, it might be because it is in a tank with territorial fish that does not want it in the tank and keep forcing it out. It does not feel comfortable there so it jumps out.

Can you put fish in a tank that has previously had snakes in it?

Yes and No because the snake may or may not be healty and if anything get a salt water fish tank because if you let salt water let it soak there for 2-3 days,then dump the water out. Then put salt water in and any fish you would like.