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you want children

Dreams work through symbols and metaphors. The "baby" in this dream represents some idea, goal, opportunity or ambition that the dreamer wants to achieve. It could be a project or a task that is important to the dreamer. For example, "He takes care of the old car as if it was his baby."

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Chase dreams usually represent some problem that you are avoiding in real life. This dream could refer to some problem associated with your pregnancy that you have avoided out of anxiety.

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Q: What does it mean if you chase a baby in your dreams?
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If the dreamer is the parent of a young child, the dreams could be natural parental worry for the welfare of the baby. Such dreams are very common among new parents. Alternatively, the "baby" might symbolize an idea, project or task that is important to the dreamer.

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The Maori word "whaia" means to chase, pursue, or follow. It is often used in a metaphorical sense, encouraging individuals to pursue their goals, dreams, or aspirations.

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Chase dreams usually mean that you are running away from some problem in your real life. The men in this dream symbolize whatever it is that you are trying to avoid. It might be an interview or examination that you do not feel mentally prepared to handle.

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In dreams, fire often represents anger. Chase dreams suggest that the dreamer is avoiding problems. Combining these symbols, this dream suggests that the dreamer is "running from" or denying his/her angry feelings.

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it means you have lunatic dreams, are in a mental state, and should see a doctor.

When you dream of someone giving you a baby what does it mean?

it means nothing, dreams cannot predict what will happen, the future is never certain and it is a silly view to think dreams determine the future, but if you must know the implications of babies in dreams generally relate to death or great misfortune

What does it mean when someone dreams of a birth?

It means they want to either have a baby or want someone else to have one

What has the author Loriene Chase written?

Loriene Chase has written: 'The human miracle' -- subject(s): Conduct of life, Dreams, Meditation

What do dreams of something scary chasing mean?

Chase dreams mean that you are avoiding some persistent problem in real life. The scary thing is a symbol of whatever it is that you want to avoid or that makes you uncomfortable or feels threatening in reality. As long as you try to escape the issue in real life, it will pursue you in dreams. The solution is to face the issue and resolve it in real life.

Is it too late for me to start ballet?

It is never too late to chase after your dreams.